How to Earn Money from Your Blog

Friday, March 29, 2019

Bismillahirrahmanirrahiim. Assalamu’alaikum w.w. Supriseee... right now i’m trying to write my blog in English. Why? Hmm.. My English is so so, please correct me if i'm wrong. But, I’m trying to write a global content.  Actually on Saturday, March 16th, 2019 I joined blogger gathering from Blogger Perempuan Network and ProPS Indonesia. The issue that we talked about “how to make SEO friendly blog and how to earn money from your blog”. Do you want to know the detail? So you must read it.

A cloudy morning and a cool breeze made me reluctant to leave the house. It felt like I just wanted to pull the blanket up and down on the bed. But the blogger gathering issue was too good to ignore.

For some people, it seems difficult to leave home to get a job, but they still need money for their daily needs. Like me, so being a blogger is the job that i choose. I just write the best world issue that people will search it then money will come to me. Is that easy? No, of course. There must be several term and conditions for it.

How to Create A SEO Friendly Article

1. Write the article with seo freindly

Before starting to write, you should know what SEO is. In wikipedia, Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the online visibility of a website or a web page in a web search engine's unpaid results—often referred to as "natural", "organic", or "earned" results. In general, the earlier (or higher ranked on the search results page), and more frequently a website appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine's users; these visitors can then be converted into customers.

And there’re 3 basic things that you must concern for SEO friendly article, which is :

a. Content is The King

People search an article on internet must be something that they want to know. They will be annoyed if the article they open does not contain the information they want. So that’s why a blogger must write the right article who have a thematic, informative, good chronology and a solution content.

b. Follow Trending Topic

Mrs. Nunik Utami, speaker from Blogger Perempuan Network, say that if you want your article to be on the first page on google search, you must follow what topics are trending in global search.

Mrs. Nunik Utami

You don’t need to write trending topic for the entire article, but you just insert the word that being hit. Such as, in Indonesia is hits about elections, so we can enter words of “president, vise president, Prabowo, Jokowi, etc”

c. Write The Right Title

Title is the first words that people read for an article. If you write a wrong title, so people will ignore your article. The right title is a title that makes people corius about our article and make them read it. Such as “How to have a good couple in a world” or “3 romantics design for your bedroom”, etc.

2. Insert Keyword

Keyword is the important thing for our article, if we want to be on first page on Google search. There’re 4 places on our article that can insert a keyword, it is :

a. Title

Like i write above, "write the right title". One of the condition for the right title is having a keyword. Google will check first your keyword on your title. That’s why on google search page the title is the main sentence that is displayed.

b. First Paragraph

After checking a title, Google will check keyword on your first paragraph. First paragraph contains sentences before you press ‘enter’ for a space to the next paragraf. If you just put “Hi, Guys!” then you press enter, it means words “Hi, Guys!” is your first paragraph. So be careful on it.

c. In The Middle of Article

After first paragraph, insert keyword in the middle of your article. Google will search your keyword after reading 500 – 1000 words (it depens on how long your article).

d. The Last Paragraph

For closing google will search keyword on your last paragraph. So don’t forget to insert it.

3. Describe The Right Metatag (Meta Description)

What is Metatag? In information systems, a tag is a keyword or term assigned to a piece of information (such as an Internet bookmark, digital image, database record, or computer file). This kind of metadata helps describe an item and allows it to be found again by browsing or searching. (wikipedia)

So, in your blog, you describe for metatag as the same as title. Write that right description. Description that people will see your article. Don’t forget to insert keyword on it. It makes Google easly put your article on first page of Google search page.

4. Backlink

Backlinks are incoming links to your blog. When your blog links to any other page, it's called a backlink. In the past, backlinks were the major metric for the ranking of a blog. A page with a lot backlinks tended to rank higher on all major search engines, including Google.

so create an article that make people enjoy put your blog link on their blog.

The Way You Earn Money From Your Blog

Like i wrote before, you can earn money from your blog. How? There’re 2 ways to earn money from your blog.

1. Personal Branding

For Bloggers who have personal branding, they can used their blog to approche a Branded product. A company will pay them to write brand's product.

In Indonesia (especially big cities), a company is better off using advertisements from Blogger than using electronic media (TV and radio).

I've ever asked my friend who work as a marketing manager, she says that ads from bloggers are more relevant to the public than through electronic media or print media. Unfortunately blogs with personal branding cannot reach remote villages.

2. Google ads.

For bloggers who live in small cities, that doesn't mean they can't earn money from their blogs. Google provides an opportunity for bloggers who live in small cities to use google ads.

Based on Wikipedia Google Ads online advertising platform developed by Google, where advertisers pay to display brief advertisements, service offerings, product listings, video content, and generate mobile application installs within the Google ad network to web users.

Mrs. Ilona, ​​speaker from ProPS Indonesia, said that everyone in the world can put Google ads on our blog, as long as it is available for the internet.

Mrs. Ilona, ProPS Indonesia

Google will pay us from the number of clicks per ad is posted on our blog.

There will be different payments for one ad click in each country.

If you want to get a higher payment, Mrs. Ilona advised us to write articles on blogs using Arabic. All instructions and blog templates use Arabic. So, Google will read our blog from Arab countries, even we are from Indonesia.

Do you want to know, how much google will pay us if we use Arabic?

Google will pay $25 for each ad click. Wooow.. amazing

So, guys.. from now, learn Arabic. ^_^

But, if you have 20 million viewer per a month, you can sign up to Google Ads Manager.

if google adsense is paid per click, then google ads manager is paid per impression. Wow..

About ProPS Indonesia

ProPS is Google Channel Partner for Publishers. We are committed in uplifting publisher’s revenue through Google’s Monetisation Solution. Great website deliver its best to their users first. We aim to get the most out of our publisher’s partner in order for them to exceed the revenue potential.

ProPS was found in 2016 by two digital enthusiast, Edi Taslim and Ilona Juwita, with more than 15+ years of experience in Publishing Industry. We know our playing field especially related to Google Publishing Products (AdSense, Ad Manager : Ad Exchange, Ad Manager : DFP Small Business/Premium, Google Analytic 360, Google Policy).

If you wanna know more about ProPS Indonesia, you can click this link :

About Blogger Perempuan Network.

Blogger Perempuan Network is a network site for women-only bloggers founded in early 2015. Blogger Perempuan are the fruit of ideas from 3 women with their respective expertise in the online world. All 3 women are united by 3 equations namely "women", fall in love with the online world, and have the desire to advance the position of Indonesian Female Bloggers.

At present the number of Blogger Perempuan Network members reaches 3400+ spread across various regions in Indonesia. Blogger Perempuan often hold beautiful chat which is an event to strengthen the friendship between members and share knowledge related to blogs and social media.

Blogger Perempuan has many article about blogging from a beginner to intermediate. You can read it on

Thanks God, i joined this workshop. I can get more knowledge about blog from Blogger Perempuan Network and ProPS Indonesia. It makes my spirit sprakling to monetize my Google Ads

Me and member BPN who joined the workshop

Not only knowledge that I got, at the end of the event we were given a free salad from Endus TV. yeeey .. my stomach-filled, so do my brain.

Free salad from Endus TV

Ok, guys.. wanna earn money from your blog? Do what i wrote above.

Have a nice writing. ^_^



  1. Duh kece bgt ini ummi artikelnya English..btw selalu kelewat nih klo mau ikut workshop BP semoga next bs ikutn

  2. Aduhhh aku pikir aku salah masuk terjemahan ehh ternyata Umi nulisnya emang in english. Duhhh duhh, kece bener. Ikutan workshop dr BP ini padat ilmu pastinya siapa tahu bs segera mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan dr Blog ya Umi 😍 aku kudhu belajar english lagi nih sm Umi dan Miss Nita haha

    1. Ayuk kita saling belajar nulis global content ya :D

    2. Wew I never know about Props Indonesia before. It's better, cause be counted based on the traffic, not depends on click, LOL. Make me rich soon, right, ehhh...

      Good content with a smart SEO, of course these are best connecting to earn money from our blog.

  3. Jujur sih bahasa Inggris tulisan, buat saya tidak begitu mengerti. Tapi untungnya reportase tulisan sejenis ini sudah banyak yang publish dan saya baca. Jadi maksudnya saya ada mengerti. paham dikit dikit hehehe

  4. Saya seneng banget bisa hadir di workshop ini. Kembali diingatkan kalau konten memang seharusnya menjadi raja. Dikasih tau juga peluang lain mencari rezeki di blog

  5. Yes, I do, Sis. I want to earn money from my blog. Everytime I post new article, I try to fulfill the YoastSEO requirement. About keyword? Hmm.. one of my weakness. Honestly I always feel difficult to make a keyword research :D :D :D

  6. Sebagai blogger yang masih terus belajar, ini bagus sekali apalagi sekarang lagi belajar banget untuk SEO soalnya biasanya aku menulis hanya untuk sekedar sharing. Tapi jadi senang sekarang nulisnya selain berbagi juga dibayar.

  7. Duh, ini seputar monetisasi blog selalu menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi aku mba, dan pas baca ini wahh dapat banyak insight yang bermanfaat. Sukaaa

  8. The point are, closing n open ingin bermain anget ya mbam dalam membuat konten YG SEO friendly

  9. pengen belajar, kemaren sih daftar tapi ketinggalan. banyak ilmu yang di dapat dari workshop ini, pinter deh kakan bahasa inggrisnya.

  10. makin ke sini belajar SEO itu semakin menantang ya kayaknya. keren, mbak nulis artikelnya pakai bahasa inggris


Aduuuh ma kasih yaaa komentarnya. Tapi mohon maaf, buat yang profilnya unknown langsung saya hapus. Semoga silaturahmi kita selalu terjaga walau lewat dumay. Selamat membaca tulisan yang lainnya ^_^